Workday and Route planning application for TravelMaster Drivers

Travel Master’s Mission Statement is “To transport everyone to their Event on time. Moreover, to return them home straight after the Event safely and professionally”

By designing a Driver Application we aim to help solve current issues such as getting lost on the way to the event, missing a stop with the passengers, and stick to the NTA agreed route plan.


To improve the business performance for upcoming events. I will focus on integrating vital features that will provide an organised work life for the Driver therefore increasing satisfaction of the Passenger, resulting in overall company performance, rating, KPI’s.

Problem Statement

The communication between the admin and the driver must undergo reconstruction to deliver the service to the user successfully. To retain a contract driver for the company is as important as to provide the service to the user.


Qualitative and quantitative data is vital for user research and serves as a backbone to help us form and shape a solution. UX process begins with the Research.

Competitor research

Feature prioritasation

Login and Registration
Ticket or QR Scanner
Admin to contact Driver
Collection points


User persona

Noel McKenna age: 52 years old
Interested in working with tools and machines, making or fixing practical things.
Has two kids who are now in college.

Motivating Factors
Stress free workday
Pay check

Goals: Arrive on time, Collect all passenger, Scan tickets, Get the passenger to the destination safely.
Communicate with Admin if a passenger is late or if a passenger is missing.
When arrived asks passengers to return to the same parking point.

Designing the experience

Task Flow

Network Each Driver will have their own phone with different Network Providers, so the coverage across each point of collection they travel generally can differ, it might be a future pain point that is worth investigating further


Motivation Bonus scheme available for the Driver, if he receives a positive review through the passenger app.

Break Down What happens if the bus breaks down while driving? Is the back up bus available?

Stops If the rest room is required the Driver must make a 15 minutes stop at the closest available Petrol Station.

Paper prototype

Some landing pages I found unnecessary, and as a result, they were removed. Also, I found the need to add more pages that were not considered while thinking through my Task Flow, this should be tested as soon as possible.

MVP (Minimum viable product)

Contact me to get the Link to the MVP

User testing (findings)

Changed my assumption about the late passengers.

More details within the Itinerary section (times).

Incognito Mode (for the Driver to have a break while waiting on the Event to finish)

User Interface Design

Applying to Fitt’s Law, for creating comfortable touch points in my design. Buttons with larger touch areas, placed in an easy to reach location.

Navigation – Moving the navigation menu to the bottom of the screen will provide easier access to the main menu features.

Colour – I used RGBlind extension for Chrome, to check my application, and done some changes by minimising the amount of green colour used.

Buttons – Applying to Fitt’s Law, for creating clickable elements in my design. Buttons with larger touch areas, placed in an easy to reach location.

User testing

“One of the most wonderful aspects of usability testing is getting a chance to talk to people and to understand how they see the world. I believe that user experience people are fascinated by people and by testing with others, they get a chance to be reminded what real users really like.” – (Jesmond Allen and James Chudley)

High-fidelity prototype

Feel free to contact me for the Link to the high-fidelity prototype.

What I have learned

Overall, I have enjoyed the user testing, although I learned that the planned scenario can easily go out of control, I have managed to carry on, and stayed focused on the task at hand. It was very rewarding feeling to see someone use your application and make sense of it.
I believe if the team consists of like-minded individuals this to increase the quality of the final product and will expand my knowledge and skills in UX Design sphere.